
I’m Human

They say don’t take it personal,
I don’t mean to offend.
But they keep tearing you down,
To no absolute end.

Sometimes I wonder,
Was it something I did,
Is is the way I look?
or the way I speak?

I think for myself,
and act I do,
But your actions dictate mine,
Isn’t that wrong too?

If I make a mistake,
It’s another cross against my name,
The first strike is a warning,
and the next means I’m out of the game.

But I am human too,
I breathe like you,
why can’t I,
make mistakes like you?

So what is so different,
that brings you to me?
What makes you say,
“Good for you Girlie!”?

You’re not my mother,
nor my father too,
So who gave you the right,
for what you put me through?

But I’ll not take it personal,
and I’ll not offend,
since you may not be human,
and to you, I won’t bend.

– Sia Savla.

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